The Business Technology Center Staff at the Waupaca Regional Center welcomes you! The BTC was designed with the latest technology and resources to better serve you, the student. All currently registered FVTC students are welcome to use the BTC facilities for program-related activities.
Self-Directed/Open Lab Classes
Self-directed classes provide students with a practical, hands-on approach to developing skills. The emphasis is placed on learning by doing. These self-paced, open entry/open exit courses are presented in a tutorial format designed to be used in a lab setting. The student schedules regular hours that are convenient. Instructors are available to provide assistance and to administer tests and timings during scheduled hours.
Computer Lab Courses
All open lab courses are self-paced. Students must schedule an orientation to the computer lab prior to beginning a course. Instructors are present in the lab for specific blocks of time.
Courses Offered:
MS Office Suite Certificate
MS Access 2007 Introduction
MS Excel 2007 Introduction
MS PowerPoint 2007
MS Word 2007 Introduction
MS Office Suite Certificate, Intermediate
MS Access 2007 Intermediate
MS Excel 2007 Intermediate
MS Word 2007 Intermediate
MS Office Integrated Applications
Essential Office Skills Certificate
Practical Office Software
Business Editing Brush-up
The Practical Internet
Business Correspondence Brush-up
The Practical PC
The Office Job Search
Basic Office Computing Certificate
The Practical PC
Keyboarding for PC Users
Business Editing Brush-up
Office Software Applications
Advanced Office Computing Certificate
Advanced Office Software Applications
Business Correspondence Brush-up
Office Desktop Publishing: MS Publisher
The Practical Internet
This is just a small listing of the classes offered. Call for more details
(715) 942-1700 or 1-888-324-3218
Instructor Led Classes:
Intro to Computers
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